How to clean a stainless steel sink

A spotless stainless steel sink can brighten up your entire kitchen, but getting it that clean can sometimes feel impossible. In this guide, you’ll discover not only how to effectively clean your stainless steel sink but also how to maintain its sheen with minimal effort. From daily a refresh to tackling those stubborn stains, here’s how to make sure your kitchen shines with as little fuss as possible.

Daily Cleaning

Keeping your stainless steel sink in excellent condition starts with your daily cleaning habits. This quick routine is tried and true:

1) First, rinse the sink with warm water to loosen surface debris.
2) Sprinkle a thin layer of baking soda over the wet surface; it’s safe and effective for removing grime.
3) Gently scrub with a soft sponge in circular motions, paying extra attention to areas with food residue.
4) Rinse thoroughly again to remove any cleaning residue.
5) Finally, wipe the sink dry with a microfiber cloth to prevent water spots and preserve the shine.

It doesn't take much muscle or resource to clean a stainless steel sink

Stubborn Stains and Discoloration

Stains and discoloration can make even the cleanest sink look dull. Here’s how to tackle these tougher cleaning challenges:
  • For hard water stains: Apply white vinegar with a soft cloth, let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse and dry.
  • For other tough stains: Mix baking soda with a little water to form a paste. Spread this on the stain, let it sit for several minutes, then scrub gently and rinse clean.

Using gentle, natural cleaners like vinegar and baking soda keeps your sink’s finish safe and spotless.


Regular polishing, ideally monthly, will keep your sink looking luxurious and new. It’s a great practice for right after a good cleaning.
  • Apply a small amount of stainless steel polish to a clean, soft cloth.
  • Rub the polish in circular motions across the sink, ensuring even coverage.
  • Buff with another clean cloth to bring out a high shine and provide a protective layer against future stains and scratches.
Keeping a stainless steel sink clean requires some regular maintenance but is generally simple

Other Recommended Maintenance

Maintaining your sink won’t take back-breaking labor, thankfully. However, it extends beyond routine cleaning and occasional polishing. So, here are some additional practices to keep your sink in optimal condition:
  • Dry the sink after each use to prevent the buildup of minerals and water spots.
  • Regularly inspect and clean the drain to prevent clogs and potential damage.
  • Use a sink grid or mat to protect the surface from scratches from dishes and utensils.
  • Avoid harsh chemicals and steel wool that can damage the sink’s finish.

When to Call a Professional

Sometimes, despite your best efforts, you may need to call in a professional to address issues with your stainless steel sink. If you notice persistent rust or deep scratches that don’t respond to your regular cleaning and maintenance routine, it’s time to seek expert help. Professionals can provide specialized treatments such as deep cleaning, refinishing, or even replacing parts of your sink.

Additionally, if you encounter leaks or structural problems that simple tightening can’t fix, a professional plumber or technician should assess the situation to prevent further damage or water loss.


Keeping your stainless steel sink in top condition doesn’t have to be a pain. With regular cleaning and polishing, your sink can maintain its shine for years.

Remember, the key is consistency and the right techniques. However, don’t hesitate to call a professional when the situation is beyond basic care. For expert advice, to schedule an inspection of your home’s plumbing, or for a complete home inspection, call Champia Real Estate Inspections in Atlanta, GA, and surrounding areas.