how to decorate a large living room wall

How to Decorate a Large Living Room Wall

Envisioning and preparing to decorate a large, empty wall in your living room can feel impossible. At least, it can certainly be overwhelming. The project holds endless potential, but where do you start? Luckily, you’re not alone in this creative journey. Many homeowners have faced the challenge of fine-tuning decor for their vision of a space. It hinges on the perfect balance between aesthetics and personal expression.

More than just filling the space, it’s about creating an environment that reflects your taste, enhances your home’s character, and invites both comfort and conversation. In this article, we’ll break down the main steps and prepare you to tackle them one by one. By the end of this post, you’ll be ready to transform that plain wall into a captivating feature.

Understanding Scale and Proportion

When it comes to interior design, scale and proportion are the silent arbiters of harmony. They’re the unseen forces that make a room feel just right. To decorate a large living room wall, these principles become even more crucial. The right scale ensures that your decor elements don’t disappear into the vastness, while proper proportion preserves the flow and balance within the room.

Begin by mentally dividing your wall into sections, either vertically or horizontally. This doesn’t mean you’ll fill every segment, but it helps you plan your approach. Think of it as a grid that guides the size and placement of your decor pieces. For instance, a single small painting on a vast wall can look lost, but that same painting can sing if it’s part of a thoughtfully arranged gallery that respects the wall’s dimensions.

Consider the furniture and features already in place. A large wall hanging should complement, not compete with, pieces like sofas, bookcases, or fireplaces. If your sofa stretches wide, choose a piece of art or a decor arrangement that spans a similar width, allowing for some breathing room at the edges. This mimics the lines of your furniture and brings a sense of cohesion to the room.

Height plays a role too. A set of decor that stretches up towards the ceiling can draw the eye upward, emphasizing the room’s height and creating a sense of grandeur. However, it’s important to keep the midpoint of your wall decor at eye level, which is typically around 57 inches from the floor. This is known as the ‘gallery height’ and is a standard in museums for a reason—it works.

find a focal point before you decorate a large living room wall

Choosing a Focal Point

A focal point in a living room is the narrative of the space; the element that everything else converses with. On a large living room wall, establishing this focal point is a strategic move that dictates the room’s flow and feel. It’s the first place a visitor’s eye should land upon entering the room, creating a sense of order and interest.

To identify the best candidate for your focal point, evaluate the existing elements. Do you have a fireplace that naturally draws attention, or is there a particularly striking piece of furniture that could serve as a base for your wall decor? If not, you might consider creating a focal point from scratch. This could be an oversized piece of art, a bold tapestry, or even a textured wall panel that contrasts with the rest of the room.

Once you’ve chosen your focal point, everything else on the wall should complement it. If you’re hanging art, for example, the largest piece should take center stage, with smaller pieces acting as satellites that orbit and reinforce it. This doesn’t mean that everything needs to be symmetrical or centered, but rather that the arrangement should feel intentional and grounded.

Additionally, don’t shy away from the dramatic. Large walls can handle bold statements. Whether it’s a vivid color, a dynamic pattern, or an intriguing collection of objects, your focal point should be something that reflects your personality and sparks conversation.

It’s also worth considering the interplay of light and shadow. Positioning your focal point where natural light can play off it during the day adds an ever-changing element to your decor. In the evening, well-placed artificial lighting can highlight it, maintaining its prominence and ensuring it’s a beacon of your style at all hours.

Popular Ways to Decorate a Large Living Room Wall

Transforming a large living room wall into a showcase of your style can be an exciting project. Here are ten creative ideas to choose from, or just to get the brainstorming started:

1. Oversized Artwork

Make a bold statement with a single oversized piece of art that captures the eye. Choose something that reflects your personality and ties in with the room’s color scheme.

2. Gallery Wall

Create a gallery wall with a mix of photographs, art prints, and other memorabilia. Use different frame styles and sizes to add visual interest and tell a story.

3. Murals

Consider a mural for a dramatic effect. Murals can range from painted scenes to large-scale wallpaper patterns, offering a unique and immersive experience.

4. Shelving Display

Install floating shelves and display a collection of objects, books, or plants. This approach adds dimension and allows for an ever-changing display.

5. Textured Tapestry

Hang a large, textured tapestry to bring warmth and softness to the space. Tapestries can also add a touch of bohemian flair or elegance, depending on the style.

6. Mirror Collage

Use mirrors to create a collage that reflects light and adds depth to the room. A mix of sizes and shapes can function as a work of art in itself.

7. Statement Clock

A large, decorative clock not only serves a practical purpose but can also act as a magnificent centerpiece, especially in a minimalist room.

8. Sculptural Elements

Incorporate three-dimensional sculptural elements that stand out against the wall. These could be metal pieces, wooden carvings, or any other form of sculptural art.

9. Plant Wall

For those with a green thumb, a living plant wall can bring life and freshness to a room. Use a variety of plants for texture and color variation.

10. Themed Collage

Assemble a themed collage using items that reflect a hobby or interest, such as vintage movie posters, musical instruments, or sports memorabilia. Remember to space elements thoughtfully, ensuring that each piece has room to breathe. When you avoid overcrowding, you maintain a clear focus and prevent the wall from feeling cluttered.

Various creative ways to decorate a living room wall

Color Considerations

When planning to decorate a large living room wall, the colors you select are huge factors in the room’s mood. Opt for hues that align with the emotional tone you wish to set: cool tones like blues and greens for tranquility, or warm reds and yellows to energize the space. Establish a color palette that includes a base color in harmony with the rest of the room, accented by one or two additional shades to add dimension.

Your wall’s focal point should be accentuated by color, drawing from the most prominent hue in that centerpiece and subtly threading it through the room for a unified feel. If you’re inclined toward bold colors, temper them with neutrals to prevent the space from becoming overstimulating and to maintain focus.

Lighting dramatically influences how colors appear, so observe your selections under different conditions, as bright colors can be amplified by sunlight, and dark shades may absorb light and make the area appear smaller. Before finalizing your choice, it’s wise to test colors in situ to ensure they mesh well with the room’s lighting and existing elements.

Accent colors are a strategic tool to bring vibrancy without overwhelming, serving to highlight architectural features or decor items. Finally, texture interacts with color, and varying finishes or fabrics can add depth and interest to your wall.

Lighting and Visibility

Lighting is essential in showcasing your living room’s wall decor, influencing both the atmosphere and the space’s appearance. To maximize the impact of your decorations, consider:

  • Natural Light: Observe how daylight interacts with your wall. Use the changing light to naturally highlight artwork or create intriguing shadows.
  • Artificial Light: Install ceiling spotlights, wall sconces, or track lighting to spotlight art and create ambiance. Choose bulbs that complement your decor’s colors—warm tones for reds and yellows, cool tones for blues and greens.
  • Control and Flexibility: Add dimmer switches to adjust brightness for mood or function. Ensure even coverage to avoid dark spots that might obscure your decor.
  • Color Temperature: Match the light bulb’s color temperature to the desired room effect; warmer for cozy, cooler for crisp.
  • Light Positioning: Arrange lighting to emphasize textures and avoid glare, ensuring decor is visible and vibrant at any time.

Recommended Maintenance

Maintaining the appeal of your decor involves a few simple but effective measures. Regularly dust off paintings, photographs, and wall hangings with a soft cloth to prevent dust accumulation. For mirrors and glass, a streak-free glass cleaner will maintain their shine, and vacuuming tapestries with a brush attachment will keep them fresh. To prevent fading, position sensitive pieces out of direct sunlight and use UV-protective glass when possible. Controlling room humidity is also crucial to protect wall decor from damage.

Make sure all items are securely fastened and check their stability periodically, especially after cleaning sessions. Consider rotating decor seasonally to refresh the room’s look and protect items from environmental wear.
Additionally, adjust artificial lighting seasonally to ensure your decor is always highlighted. Annually, inspect your wall decor for signs of wear and tear and address any issues promptly. Finally, check the wall for any damage that could affect your decor and keep the wall surface in good condition to provide a suitable backdrop for your art and decorative items.

When to Call a Professional

If you’re considering hanging heavy or valuable art, it’s best to have experts handle the installation to prevent damage. Should your decoration plans involve electrical work for new lighting, a certified electrician is necessary to ensure safety and compliance with building regulations.

For structural changes like built-in shelving, a contractor or skilled carpenter should be involved. Complex decorative projects, such as large-scale murals or detailed tile work, require the specialized skills of artists or craftsmen. If you’re struggling with design choices or how to achieve a desired look, an interior designer can offer valuable guidance.

Antiques and delicate art pieces might need the touch of a conservation professional to ensure they are preserved correctly while on display. Decorating walls with high ceilings could require equipment like scaffolding, and working with professionals means they come equipped and insured for such tasks. This insurance can be crucial, especially in rental properties or when dealing with expensive items, as it protects against potential damage during the decorating process.


To summarize, creating a plan to decorate your large living room wall can be a grand and thrilling endeavor. While there are many creative paths you can take on your own, remember that for certain tasks—like hanging heavy artwork, making electrical adjustments, and tackling complex designs—it’s prudent to consider professional help.

This ensures that your living space not only reflects your style but also maintains safety and quality. For a pre-decoration inspection of your accent wall or an in-depth look at all your home’s important components, reach out to Champia Real Estate Inspections in Atlanta, GA, and surrounding areas today!