
Don’t Let Pricy Sewer Repairs Stink Up Your New Home: Book A Sewer Scope Today!

When purchasing a new home, there are a lot of boxes people forget (or avoid) to check. Discussing the sewage situation in your home is not an ideal cocktail hour idle chat, but it is a great thing to bring up to your home inspector! Before signing anything, make sure you get a sewer scope!If you don`t know what a sewer scope is, imagine a colonoscopy for your sewage system. Many companies differ on what they include with a sewer scope inspection. Champia’s sewer scope inspection provides an objective evaluation of your sewer line from the house to the street. We provide you with the information you need to know, including a report documenting any damage to your sewer pipes condition, as well as photographs. To add, the SewerGard Warranty we provide free with your home inspection is extended from 90-days to 6-months once we perform a Sewer Camera Inspection.

It is never a bad idea to get a sewer scope, but there are homes that are more at risk than others.

For example, homes with a lot of large trees in the yard are at risk. Roots can grow around and in your sewage pipes, breaking or cracking them.

Most homes built prior to 1972 are equipped with cast iron sanitary sewer pipes, which have an original life expectancy of 40 to 50 years. This piping corrodes due to age causing leaks, blockages, backups and damage to the home. The soil below the home becomes saturated with the contaminated sewer water, creating potentially hazardous conditions. It is not a question of “if” cast iron pipes will fail, but when.

The following may alert you that your piping is failing:

Backup in your toilets, tubs, kitchen sink, laundry sink or shower.
Cockroach infestation, especially around the kitchen (they come out of the broken piping)!
Staining or damage to the walls or doors.
The smell of sulfur or sewer gas.
Leakage from under your kitchen cabinets.
Stains or leakage on the exterior wall under a kitchen window.
The cost of a sewer inspection is the same price as the repair cost PER FOOT of your sewage system. Play it safe and book this ancillary whenever possible. When buying OR building a home, ancillaries like a sewer scope inspection are never bad ideas!

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