Sewer lines are an integral component of a home, malfunctioning sewer pipes can result in damages needing expensive repairs. Most homes built in Atlanta before 1972 are installed with cast iron sanitary sewer pipes, which have an original life expectancy of 40 to 50 years. This piping corrodes due to age causing leaks, blockages, backups, and extensive damage to the home. The soil below the home becomes saturated with the contaminated sewer water, creating potentially hazardous conditions. It is not a question of “if ” cast iron pipes will fail, but when. That is one out of many reasons sewer scope inspections are vital to a home’s maintenance. Many other factors affect sewer lines and cause damage that needs immediate attention. Champia offers sewer scope inspections in Atlanta, GA. Our trained technicians with years of on-field practice use high-tech gadgets and cameras to inspect your sewer lines and assess their condition.
What Is Sewer Scope Inspection And What To Expect From Our Sewer Scope Inspections At Champia?